How To Change Email On Spotify | Step By Step Process

Spotify is the largest online music streaming platform nowadays. Its numerous features have made the app so great and acceptable to the users. The acceptability has enhanced more since Spotify lets the users enjoy their platform with either an email or a Facebook account.

But in case of arising any issues, you can change the email that you have used to open your Spotify account. Today, we’ll feature how to change email on Spotify in different alternatives.

Change Your Email Address On Spotify

Most of us use email addresses to access our Spotify account. For many reasons, we may need to change the email associated with Spotify. The steps to change Spotify email address are very simple to follow. Here is how to change email on Spotify:

Step-1: Open a web browser and visit the account page of Spotify.

Step-2: Login with your credentials.

Step-3: Select the edit profile option from the left pane, and find the appropriate field for Spotify change email feature.

Step-4: Type in the new email instead of the old one.

Step-5: Confirm the change by putting in your password.

Step-6: Click on the save profile button to finalize change email Spotify.

How To Change Email On Spotify

After you’ve finished the Spotify change email process, you’ll receive a confirmation at both your previous and newly associated email addresses. In the confirmation email, you’ll find the details of the change.

Change email address when you’re using Spotify through Facebook

When you’ve created your Spotify account using a Facebook profile, you can’t execute Spotify change email on your own. You need to get help from the support staff of the streaming platform.

Go through the below instructions to find out how to change email on Spotify when connected through Facebook.

Step-1: Visit Spotify’s support page.

Step-2: Choose the account option, and then select to change account details.

How To Change Email On Spotify | Step By Step Process
How To Change Email On Spotify | Step By Step Process

Step-3: Proceed with the ‘I Still Need Help’ option and describe your problem there.

change spotify email

Step-4: After that, start a chat to get help from the support staff. They will put a request to transfer all your settings and resources to a new account with your desired email and close down your current one.

change email spotify

Switch between Facebook login to email login on Spotify

When you’re enjoying Spotify with your Facebook account, you usually don’t have to link an email to it. But you can change Spotify’s email, and start using an email login method. Here’s your guide on how to switch from Facebook login to email for accessing the Spotify music app:


From the Spotify desktop app, open the setting menu, and scroll down to the social options. Then you may disconnect your account from your Facebook.


Alternatively, you should reset the Spotify password. Then you get a chance to change the login method from Facebook account to email address. Here are how you should change Spotify email when the account is linked to your Facebook:

password reset from spotify

Step-1: Go to the password reset, and enter the email address you have opened your Facebook with.

Step-2: Hit the send button to get a password reset link.

Step-3: Follow through the link to change Spotify password.

Step-4: Go to your Facebook account, and remove Spotify from the connected app list there.

Now, you should be able to login to your Spotify account with email instead of Facebook.


How to change email on Spotify is as easy as to change Spotify username or change the Spotify profile picture. All you have to do is following the correct way to the solution. Change email Spotify option makes the user experience better with the flexibility to login using different methods.

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